Environment of Care Policies


Aerosol Transmissible Disease and Exposure Control Plan [Dec 2023]

Ambient Temperature and Humidity Monitoring [Mar 2022]
Appendix 1 (Matrix)

Bloodborne Pathogens - Exposure Response Prevention and Control Plan [Mar 2022]

Building Utilities Management [Dec 2019]
- Appendix 1 (Program Implementation)
- Appendix 2 (Responsibilities)
- Appendix 3 (Annual Review)

Code Silver (Active Shooter/Armed Intruder) [Feb 2022]

Dangerous Weapons Screening [Dec 2022]

Elevator Entrapment Response [Jun 2016]
Elevator Entrapment Response Appendices

Emergency Management [Nov 2020]
- Appendix 1 (Program Description and Implementation)
- Appendix 2 (Emergency Exercises)
- Appendix 3 (Education & Training)
- Appendix 4 (Annual Review and Management Plan)
- Appendix 5 (1135 Waiver Policy)
- Appendix 6 (Hazards & Vulnerability Analysis)
- Appendix 7 (Department Emergency Action Plan)
- Appendix 8 (Department Emergency Supplies and Go Bags)
- Appendix 9 (HCC & ICP)
- Appendix 10 (Emergency Occupancy)
- Appendix 11 (HICS)
- Appendix 12 (First Receivers Program)
- Appendix 13 (Disclosure of PHI in Disasters)

Ergonomics Program [Feb2022]

Extension Cords, Power Strips, and Adapters [May 2020]

Fire and Life Safety [Jan 2022]
- Appendix 1 (CMS Categorical Waivers)
Appendix 2 (Evacuation Procedures for Out-Patient Clinics/Floor Warden Responsibilities)
- Appendix 3 (Responsibilities)
- Appendix 4 (Fire Response Plan)
- Appendix 5 (Annual Review)

FYI Flags in Medical Records [June 2024]

Hazardous Materials and Waste Management [Aug 2022]
- Appendix 1 (Program Implementation)
- Appendix 2 (Responsibilities)
- Appendix 3 (Annual Review)

Helipad Operations [May 2021]

Indoor Heat Illness Prevention Plan [October 2024]
- Appendix 1 (Heat Index Chart)
- Appendix 2 (Department Specific Plan Template)
- Appendix 3 (Information on Heat Illness)
- Appendix 4 (Available Cool-Down Rooms)

Infant/Pediatric Security Plan [Jan 2024]
- Appendix A (High-Risk Security Management)
- Appendix B (Code Pink/Purple Evaluation Form)

Interim Life Safety Measure [May 2024]
Interim LIfe Safety Measure Appendix A (ILSM Plan)
Interim Life Safety Measure Appendix B (Hazardous Conditions Permit)
Interim Life Safety Measure Appendix C (Fire Watch Log Sheet)
- Interim Life Safety Measure Appendix D (Impairment Tag)

Laser Safety Program [Apr 2023]
- Appendix 1 (Airway Fire Management Procedures)

Medical Compressed Gas [Dec 2023]
Medical Compressed Gas Appendix 1 (Cylinder Signage)

Medical Equipment Management [Apr 2024]
- Appendix 1 (Risk Classification System)
- Appendix 2 (PM Compliance Definitions)
- Appendix 3 (Annual Review)

Pneumatic Tube System Policy [Jan 2019]

Respiratory Protection Program [Mar 2024]

Safe Patient Handling [Jun 2022]

Safety Management (Injury & Illness Prevention) Program [Jan 2022]
Appendix 1 (Reporting Work-Related Fatalities and Serious Injuries or Illnesses)
- Appendix 2 (Program Implementation)
- Appendix 3 (Responsibilities)
- Appendix 4 (Annual Review)
- Appendix 5 (Surveillance Program)

Security Management [Feb 2022]
- Appendix 1 (Program Implementation)
- Appendix 2 (Responsibilities)
- Appendix 3 (Annual Review)
- Appendix 4 (Mission Bay Secure Mode)

Workplace Violence Prevention [June 2024]
- Appendix 1 (WVP Committee)
- Appendix 2 (Post-Incident Workflow)
- Appendix 3 (Post-Disruptive Behavior/Violent Incident Huddle Sheet)
- Appendix 4 (Room Signage)
- Appendix 5 (Advisory Committee)