Workplace Violence Prevention

UCSF Health is committed to providing a work environment that is free from harassment, violence, and threats of violence. Violence in the workplace is an occupational health and safety hazard that can cause physical and emotional harm. We believe physical and emotional safety is a right and responsibility of every person.  As such, UCSF instituted a new Workplace Violence Prevention Program in accordance with Cal OSHA's § 3342 - Violence Prevention in Healthcare regulation and The Joint Commission's Workplace Violence Prevention Standards

All UCSF Health staff are responsible for creating and maintaining a safe work environment. If you witness or experience violence or threats of violence while at work, take immediate precautions according to existing safety and security procedures, and report the incident as soon as possible using the RL Datix incident reporting system.

What is Workplace Violence?

Cal OSHA § 3342 Violence Prevention in Health Care defines workplace violence as any act of violence or threat of violence that occurs at the work site.  The term workplace violence shall not include lawful acts of self-defense or defense of others.  Workplace violence includes the following:
  1. The threat or use of physical force against an employee that results in, or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, psychological trauma, or stress regardless of whether the employee sustains an injury
  2. An incident involving the threat or use of a firearm or other dangerous weapon, including the use of common objects as weapons, regardless of whether the employee sustains an injury

The Joint Commission Workplace Violence Standardswhich went into effect in January 2022, now defines workplace violence as an act or threat occurring at the workplace that can include any of the following:

  1. Verbal, nonverbal, written, or physical aggression
  2. Threatening, intimidating, harassing, or humiliating words or actions
  3. Bullying 
  4. Sabotage
  5. Sexual harassment 
  6. Physical assaults
  7. Other behaviors of concern involving staff, licensed practitioners, patients, or visitors.

We continue to work closely with our partners in the UCSF Police Department to help mitigate incidents of violence at UCSF Health. If you are in need of immediate assistance, please:

Contact UCSF Police by calling 911 from any telephone

  • For emergency assistance
  • To file a UCSF police report
  • To report suspicious behavior/event

Contact UCSF Police using the non-emergency number at (415) 476-1414

  • To obtain a Police Report
  • To obtain a UCSF ID Card (WeID)
  • To request a Safety Escort

Contact Medical Center Security Services at (415) 885-7890

  • For security response during
    - Code 100 (specific to Pediatric & Adult Emergency Department)
    - Code Green (specific to LPPHC Inpatient Behavioral Health Unit)
    - Code Gray (medical-center wide)
    - Code Silver (medical-center wide)
  • To request a Security Standby
  • For Security assistance with administering medications
  • To request a Safety Escort for patients, visitors, staff, and students
  • To report suspicious behavior/event
  • To request personal safety training, orientations, and crime prevention workshops