Emergency Eyewash & Deluge Showers

Emergency eyewashes and showers are located in areas of the Medical Center where hazardous materials that may cause damage to the skin or eyes or upon exposure, are used.  In areas where an eyewash is absent and hazardous materials are used, a risk assessment may be requested through Service Now (MCSS) to determine if an eyewash is required. 

All emergency showers and all eyewashes are flushed weekly. The dates and results of EH&S inspections are recorded on the inspection tag associated with the equipment.  Whenever equipment fails an inspection, the equipment is tagged out and the department is provided two saline eyewash bottles to use as an interim measure.  EH&S then submits a service request for Facilities to repair the unit.

Procedures for use of an emergency eyewash:

  • Immediately flush eyes for at least 15 minutes.  Any delays can result in serious damage.  Ask someone to assist.
  • Use your hands to open your eyelids while rotating the eyeballs in all directions to remove contamination from around the eyes.
  • Seek medical attention after washing the affected area for 15 minutes by calling 911 or proceeding to the nearest urgent care facility.

Procedures for use of an emergency shower:

  • Remove contaminated clothing, shoes, and jewelry.  Ask someone in to assist.
  • Immediately flush the area with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes.  If your eyes do not require flushing, attempt to protect the eyes from cross contamination.
  • Seek medical attention after washing the affected area for 15 minutes by calling 911 or proceeding to the nearest urgent care facility.

Additional Resources:

Be Wise Protect Your Eyes
Interim Procedures During Eyewash Repair