Fire Extinguishers

If you need to use a fire extinguisher, remember P A S S

Pull - Hold the extinguisher with a relaxed right hand; pull the pin with your left hand
Aim - Aim the hose/nozzle at the base of the fire
Squeeze - Squeeze the handle
Sweep - Sweep from side to side

Use all of the extinguisher agent; if the extinguisher is emptied and the fire is not completely out, close the door to contain the fire and evacuate the area immediately.

Fire extinguishers are classified for the class of fire they are designed to extinguish:
Class A:  fires involving ordinary combustible materials such as wood, cloth, paper, rubber, and plastics
Class B:  fires involving flammable liquids such as alcohol, gasoline, ether, etc.
Class C:  fires involving energized electrical equipment
Class D:  fires involving combustible metals such as magnesium, zirconium, sodium, lithium, and potassium
Class K:  fires involving cooking oils (both vegetable and animal) and fats.

The majority of fire extinguishers in the Medical Center are for fire classes A, B, and C.  Some areas with special equipment or a specific fire hazard such as the Operating Rooms, have a specific fire extinguisher that have Types B and C carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.  The kitchens and cafeterias have Type K fire extinguishers while the MRI Areas have Types A, B, and C Clean Agent non-magnetic fire extinguishers. 

Maintenance and Training

Facilities Management conduct monthly inspections of fire extinguishers.  It is however a good practice for units to periodically check their fire extinguishers to ensure that these are not missing, blocked, or damaged.  If necessary, open a ticket via Service Now (MCSS).  Departments may also request fire extinguisher training through Service Now (MCSS)





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