Title 19

The Fire Prevention Program operates under the UCSF Campus Office of Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S).  It includes surveillance activities to meet requirements enforced through the California Office of the State Fire Marshal.  Title 19 building inspections cover the entire building at a single address and are conducted annually for UCSF Health by Fire Prevention Specialists (FPS). 

What is the Title 19 inspection process?
During the Title 19 field site walk, FPS identify infrastructure and behavioral deficiencies that impact fire and life safety.  Report summaries are sent to support services teams and, as applicable, local department leaders for review and immediate correction, or to develop an executable plan for correction within 30 days for any identified deficiencies.  Local department leaders must email [email protected] and include their building address, floor, and/or room to advise correction of deficiencies. 


How do I retrieve and interpret the Title 19 report for my building?
Access Title 19 reports here, and then follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the “Behavioral Category” within the Title 19 Report.; you can enlarge the view of the pdf to enhance photo clarity
  2. Focus on deficiencies with a Non-Compliant status (red side-bar)
  3. Locate deficiencies based on the room location/area cited
  4. Correct deficiencies (e.g. discuss at staff meeting, remove items in egress path, discard or relocate combustible materials to an appropriate storage room, etc.) within your department scope or engage necessary support service using MCSS Help Desk
  5. Email [email protected] with "Title 19 correction" in the subject line, the building address, floor, or room number/area description to advise correction of deficiencies

Deficiencies not addressed in the expected timeframe will be re-cited by FPS and an escalation report sent to the UCSF Health Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Safety Officer.


How do I communicate resolution of deficiencies?

Once deficiencies are resolved, please email [email protected] with "Title 19 correction" in the subject line, the building address, floor, or room number/area description to advise correction of deficiencies.




Direct any questions about the Title 19 Building Inspection process by email to [email protected] or dial (415) 476-1300.