Occupational Exposure Monitoring
- Conducts routine occupational exposure monitoring for regulated hazardous materials
- Coordinates and executes ad hoc, by-request monitoring events
- Advises on engineering and administrative controls as well as personal protective equipment (PPE) to mitigate worker exposure to hazardous materials
- Sample analytes evaluated at UCSF Health: Formaldehyde, Waste Anesthetic Gases, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
Job Hazard Assessments
Staff may request an assessment of job hazards to ensure appropriate controls are in place. You may request service from the Safety Office through Service Now (MCSS) under "Safety Assessment". A representative from EH&S will contact you and ask questions about the hazard concerns you may have in your job. EH&S may conduct a site visit and provide recommendations to improve worker safety.
Indoor Air Quality Assessments
Report indoor air quality concerns by opening a service ticket through Service Now (MCSS) under the Safety Menu. Reports of nuisance odors are investigated; assessment and resolution are made by Campus EH&S in partnership with Facilities and Property Management. Air sample collection is on a case-by-case basis.
Hazardous Building Materials
Go to Service Now (MCSS), select "Other" from the Safety menu and provide a detailed desciption of concerns with potential exposure to the following hazardous building materials:
- Asbestos
- Lead
- Silica
- Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)