How to Report Incidents

Emergencies -
If on-site:  dial 9+911 from any Campus or Medical Center telephone
If off-site or on a non-Campus telephone:  dial 911 to reach local Police, Fire, or EMS

When reporting emergency information to Security Services or UCPD or local Police or Fire, provide the following critical information to the best of your ability:

  • Your exact location or the location where the incident occurred
  • Your name and call-back number, in case the call is disconnected
  • A factual explanation of events
  • Time when the incident occurred
  • Description of person(s) involved
  • Weapons observed, if any

Types of Incidents -
Assault against Health Care Workers
If you are a Medical Center employee assaulted by a patient, visitor, or another staff member while at work, immediately contact Security Services or UCPD and provide all critical information as outlined above.  If injuries occur, please seek medical care at your nearest UCSF Medical Center Emergency Department or Occupational Health Services clinic.  File an incident report in RL Solutions.

Disruptive Behavior
When patients or visitors become verbally or physically disruptive or combative, report a hospital Code Gray to Security Services at 415.885.7890.

Illegal Activities
Any suspected illegal activity must be reported to Security or UCPD.  Security or UCPD will determine any subsequent actions after contacting the subjects or persons.

Suspicious Behavior/Activity
If you "see something, say something".  Suspicious behavior and/or activity must be reported to Security or UCPD.  Security or UCPD will determine whether or not your concerns are valid.  Always report suspicious behavior or activity!

Suspicious Packages
If you locate an unattended package, please contact Security or UCPD with the location of the suspicious package.  Security or UCPD will determine further actions.

Robberies and Thefts
If a robbery is in progress, immediately contact UCPD and provide the following information as a witness when safe to do so:

  • Your exact location or the location where the incident happened or is happening
  • Your name and call-back number, in case the call is disconnected
  • Factual explanation of the event
  • Time of incident
  • DId the subject use force with their hands or body?
  • Dud the subject have a weapon?
  • If a weapon was present, you will be asked to describe the subject and the weapon
  • Did the subject leave the area?  By what means?  On foot or in a vehicle?

If you are a victim of a robbery, immediately contact Security or UCPD and provide the information above.  If you believe your personal or hospital property was taken without permission, contact Security or UCPD and provide the following information:

  • The time you last saw the property
  • The time you returned to the area where the property was located
  • Description of the missing property and the amount/value

If your property is vandalized, call Security or UCPD and give the location of the vandalized property as well as the time that you believe the vandalism occurred.  You may be requested to file a police report.

If your vehicle is involved in a collision and you sustain injuries, call Security or UCPD; they will contact EMS to respond if needed.  All parties may be subject to a police report based on the findings at the scene.  If all parties agree that no injuries were sustained, you may exchange insurance information and contact your carrier.  If the other party refuses to exchange insurance information, contact Security or UCPD for assistance.

Special Situations
Security and UCPD are accustomed to dealing with special requests.  Contact the non-emergency numbers (Security: 415.885.7890; UCPD: 415.476.6911) and explain the nature of the request.  You will be advised if your request can be accommodated based on existing protocols.

Security Escorts
Escort services after business hours and for evening appointments may be requested by contacting Security Services at 415.885.7890.  Wheelchairs are also available upon request.