Policies & Procedures

The UCSF Medical Center Security and Operator Services Department maintains the following policies and procedures to ensure patient, visitor, and staff stafety.  Please click on each item's header to view the entire policy.

Identification Badge Program
It is Medical Center's policy that all employees, physicians, and temporary employees wear a photo identification badge at all times while on site.  All badges are issued prior to working within Medical Center facilities and must be worn on the upper third of the body.

Access Control
The Security Services Department controls access to all facilities for safety and security reasons.  All individuals entering a Medical Center location must be verified.  Security checkpoints control access to designated facilities during limited access hours.

Workplace Violence Prevention
UCSF Medical Center is committed to maintaining a safe and secure workplace that is free from threats or acts of intimidation and violence.  Any act of intimidation, threat of violence, or act of violence against any person on any UCSF Medical Center property is prohibited.

Tobacco-Free At Work
All Medical Center locations are designated smoke and tobacco-free for the health and safety of all patients,visitors, faculty, staff, and students.

Dangerous Weapons Screening
This describes the process to optimize a safe patient care and workplace environment free from guns, knives, or other potentially dangerous items.