Helipad Emergency Response

UCSF Medical Center has a helipad located on the Gateway Outpatient Building in Mission Bay.  This helipad is dedicated for emergency patient care use, and is owned and operated by The Regents of the University of California.

The Director of Security Services is responsible for helipad access, control procedures, and related security programs.  To ensure public safety, the Director is notified of all incoming helicopters prior to arrival.

The Medical Transport and Access Center Manager and/or Medical Director are responsible for communications with incoming helicopters, operator dispatch centers, Security staff, and patient receiving departments, and the implementation of the UCSF Disaster Response Plan relating to the helipad operations.  They are also responsible for providing training, education, and required emergency response drills and exercises for the Helipad. The UCSF Medical Transport and Access Center maintains a log of all arriving helicopters.

Facilities Operations and Maintenance Staff is in charge of helipad operations and all maintenance activities related to the elevator, fire extinguishers, etc.  Staf notifies the Director of Security Services and the Transport Manager when building maintenance or related activities are active on the rooftop or when such activities could affect utilization of the helipad.

Fire Suppression Equipment 

The UCSF Helipad is equipped with an automated fire-suppression system consisting of four nozzles at the deck that will dispense water and foam when either of the two yellow manual fire-pull stations is activated. These manual pull-stations are located at the vestibule door and at the bottom of the helipad deck secondary exit stair at the southwest perimeter. These manual pull-stations are connected to the building’s central alarm system.  The foam is aqueous film forming (AFF), which has the appearance of white sudsy water.  In addition, two portable fire extinguishers are located in the elevator vestibule and immediately inside stairwell A-3 (Stairwell Exit next to elevator vestibule).

Response to Helicopter Accident/Incident

  1. Evacuate staff from the immediate area and secure a safe perimeter
  2. In the event of helicopter fire, activate the Fire Suppression System by activating one of the yellow AFFF manual pull-stations
  3. Dial 911 to announce emergency conditions and the location incident
  4. Notify the Nursing Supervisor to activate the Hospital Command Center and implement the Emergency Operations Plan
  5. Assist survivors as reasonably possible
  6. Protect and secure the accident site; do not approach the helicopter - allow EMS personnel to respond

Safety Concerns

All helicopter operators and UCSF employees are encouraged to immediately report safety concerns to Facilities at 415.514.3570 or Pediatric Access Center at 415.353.1611

Helicopter Safety Training

The Medical Transport Department provides helicopter safety training to designated UCSF Medical Center staff who have access to the helipad.

Reference:  EOC Policy 8.1.0 - UCSF Helipad (Helistop) Operations