
Dosimeter badges or rings are required where there is a potential for exposure to ten (10%) percent of occupational limits.  If you are given a dosimeter, you must wear it when working around radiation.  Do not let others wear your dosimeter.  Keep your dosimeter at work to avoid non-occupational radiation readings.  Take good care of your dosimeter; protect it from extreme humidity and temperatures.

If you wish to verify your radiation exposure history, log on to and enter the user name (UCSFmedical) and password (ALARA&me).  For security, results can only be accessed by the employee using the account number and unique serial number on the dosimeter itself.

ALARA Investigations

As dosimetry badge results come back, it is not uncommon to see results that are higher than expected.  Radiation Safety has a tiered process for investigating exposures that appear to be not "as low as reasonable achievable".

  • Radiation workers exceeding ALARA Level 1 will be notified of their exposure.  Copies of notifications will be kept in the EH&S office for review.  No response from the radiation worker is required
  • Radiations workers exceeding ALARA Level 2 will be alerted of their exposure.  In addition to the notification, a questionnaire will be given to the worker.  The questionnaire is used by EH&S to investigate if safe practice is being followed, if any training is necessary, or if any safeguards are necessary.  Response from the radiation worker is required.

Radiation Safety places dosimeter badges on walls in some areas to ensure that levels of radiation are at or below expected levels.  Air and water effluents are tested for radioactive emissions as needed.