Reporting Injuries, Near-Misses, Hazards

Employees are strongly encouraged to file an incident report in RL Solutions for any occurrence that is not consistent with routine operations; or any occurrence that resulted or may result in injury, harm, or loss to a patient, visitor, staff, or anyone within the premises of UCSF Health.  A severe injury or illness (requiring in-patient hospitalization regardless of length of time, amputation, loss of an eye, or serious degree of permanent disfigurement) must be reported by the unit manager or supervisor to the Manager of Workers Compensation within 8 hours of the event and no longer than 24 hours after the event.

Completing an incident report is the best avenue to report hazards, near-miss events, and/or injuries in the workplace.  Employees can also report safety concerns to the Safety Office (; 415.885.3538) or complete an anonymous form. 


Cal-OSHA required Serious Injury Reporting Process